There are many ways you can participate
in the life of Saint Bartholomew's

Parish Council
Members of Parish Council meet once a month. They discuss the life of the parish and make decisions on day-to-day needs.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild under the leadership of Pamela Mallon, help keep our sacred space beautiful. 

Our roster of readers take turns in reading the biblical passages that are read from week to week. 

Our sidespeople welcome people on Sunday mornings, take up the offering and help prepare the communion rail at the time of Communion.

Prayers of People
Our roster of "prayers" take turns in preparing and speaking the prayers from week to week. 

Our choir rehearses every Tuesday evening and helps provide musical leadership each Sunday.

Outreach Ministries
Whether it be on our Pastoral Care Team, our Refugee Ministry or volunteering at one of our Diocesan Community Ministries, our dedicated volunteers help to make our community a better place.